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Lamberte, COMPETE, The Asia Foundation; PhilippinesPacha Malyadri, Osmania University, Andhra Pradesh; India Petr Marek, University of Economics, Prague; Czech RepublicHaitham Nobanee, College of Business Administration, Abu Dhabi University; U. A. E. Maria Piotrowska, Wrocaw University of Economics; PolandMaia Pisaniuc, Academy of Economis Studies; MoldovaMiroslav Tuek, University of Economics, Prague; Czech Republic Tomasz Soski, Corporate Finance, Financial Analysis, Financial Markets. Wroclaw University of Economics; PolandMin Teh Yu, Financial Institutions, Risk Management and Insurance, Derivatives Markets. National Chiao Tung University; TaiwanGeneral notesBusiness and Economic Horizons BEH accepts only the papers in the English language.

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in ELTA Sociolinguistic Study of Social Stratification in Bangladesh and Its Impact on Academic Performance in English at Secondary Level Education . Md. Abdur Rashid, M. A. in English and M. A. V. Ramamurtigaru . Chief Editor Dr. Pammi Pavan KumarCo editor Dr. Banala Bhujanga Reddy Honorary Editor Prof.

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In the meantime, the company made many high risk deals, some of which were outside the companys typical asset risk control process. Many went sour in the early months of 2001 as Enrons stock price and debt rating imploded because of loss of investor and creditor trust. Methods the company used to disclose or creatively obscure its complicated financial dealings were erroneous and, in the view of some, downright deceptive. The companys lack of transparency in reporting its financial affairs, followed by financial restatements disclosing billions of dollars of omitted liabilities and losses, contributed to its demise. The whole affair happened under the watchful eye of Arthur Andersen LLP, which kept a whole floor of auditors assigned at Enron year round. In 1985, after federal deregulation of natural gas pipelines, Enron was born from the merger of Houston Natural Gas and InterNorth, a Nebraska pipeline company. In the process of the merger, Enron incurred massive debt and, as the result of deregulation, no longer had exclusive rights to its pipelines. In order to survive, the company had to come up with a new and innovative business strategy to generate profits and cash flow. Kenneth Lay, CEO, hired McKinsey and Co. to assist in developing Enrons business strategy. It assigned a young consultant named Jeffrey Skilling to the engagement.

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